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Antonietta Viganone

Antonietta Viganone is a painter, sculptor and engraver.

She was born in Borgolavezzaro (NO) on 16 December 1928 and died in Milan on 27 June 2022.
She carries out artistic studies in architecture (Politecnico di Milano), painting (Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, Domenico Cantatore school) and engraving (Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, with master Luciano De Vita). She teaches artistic disciplines at high schools and secondary education institutions.

In the sixties of the last century, she married the publisher Franco Sciardelli (Palermo, 1933 – Milan, 2015), with whom she also maintains a deep artistic and cultural partnership.

Since 1958 she has been working with all the chalcographic techniques and with lithography, and has created over 500 works, using the most accredited printing houses (including Sciardelli, Upiglio, Bandini, Campi, La Spirale and Il Foglio of Milan).

She also brilliantly engages in painting and sculpture, creating more than 200 works of art. She creates the stele in memory of Marshal Chief Cross of Honor Daniele Ghione, victim of the terrorist act in An Nassiriya (Iraq) on 12 November 2003, permanently exhibited in a public place in Finale Ligure (SV) and inaugurated in 2004 in the presence of various institutional authorities.

She is the author of illustrations and engravings for artist books, also promoting literary works by great personalities of the culture of the ‘900, including Leonardo Sciascia.

She participates in exhibitions and events of international importance, including the Milan Engraving Triennial (Editions: I, 1969; IV, 1980; VI, 1990; VII, 1994), the III Biennial of contemporary xylography of Carpi (1984) , the Xilon Italiana Triennale of Genoa (1995), the V International Exhibition of Chalcography “Black and White” of Modica (2000), the International Biennial Exhibition “Grafica ed ex Libris” (Editions: X, 2011; XII, 2015), the II Edition of the Woodcut Competition “Ugo Maffi – City of Lodi” (2014).

Her works are acquired as part of the heritage of important cultural institutions, including the “Parisi – Valle” Civic Museum in Maccagno con Pino and Veddasca (VA), the Central Library of the Sicilian Region “Alberto Bombace” in Palermo, the Library of the “Giorgio de Marchis Bonanni d’Ocre” in L’Aquila, the Sormani Library in Milan, the Museum of Contemporary Chalcography “Le Due Matrici” in Modica (RG), the Xylography Museum in Carpi (MO), the Civic Collection of “Achille Bertarelli” prints in Milan, the “A.S. Pushkin” in Moscow (RUSSIA).

In the last months of her life she decided to donate her artistic and real estate assets to a testamentary foundation (registered in the RUNTS on 15 September 2022), which, in addition to holding and enhancing the collection of artworks by Antonietta Viganone, carries out research, training, communication and promotion in the field of contemporary art.

Image Antonietta Viganone is a painter, sculptor and engraver.